Přednáška „Lemko Art as an Artifact of Memory“, Michal Szymko, 24. 10. 2023, 16:00

V úterý 24. 10. od 16:00 srdečně zveme na přednášku hostujícího akademika; kolega je absolventem ukrajinských studií, dějin umění, dokumentatistiky a v současnosti studuje doktorské studium.

Contemporary Lemko art is not only a tool that speaks about Lemko identity. First of all, it is a great program with ambitious and specific goals – a kind of artifact of memory. Lemko artists create not for aesthetic reasons, but to preserve the memory of the Lemkos.
During the lecture, we will consider the context of the development of Lemko art, we will notice new models of functioning of Lemko artists, who today return to the postulate put forward by avant-gardists of abolishing the boundaries between art and life, memory and oblivion.


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Úvod > Nástěnka > Přednáška „Lemko Art as an Artifact of Memory“, Michal Szymko, 24. 10. 2023, 16:00